The advance Technique of RF (Radio Frequency) cautery unit Involves the passage of high frequency waves through theElectrodes which is of different types for different application. It cuts, coagulates or Remove the tissue soft tissue resistanceto these Radio Frequency cautery unit, causes the cellular water in soft tissue to heat, which produces steam and results incellular molecular dissolution of individual tissue cells. The Radio Frequency cautery unit waves are focused on the tissue bymeans of hand pencil (Monopolar) with Electrode connected for cutting of soft tissue. The patient plate is positioned behindthe tissue in contact with patient's skin, this operations activated by foot switch, for controlled output as per surgeons needfor depth cut is possible by Intensity control.There is one Mode from (0 to 6) in the Radio Frequency cautery unit to control the intensity through intensity knob (high ORlow).Radio Frequency cautery unit in general practice has many advantages over conventional surgical techniquesparticularly in dermatology, plastic surgeries, Eyelid surgery E.N.T & Dental for Fast operating time, quick healing less tissuedamage, no charring and less post operative discomfort have been observed and its wider use in hospital practice isrecommended from Radio Frequency cautery unit is different electro-surgery Machine, e.g. (Surgical Diathermy). Theelectrical energy is converted in Radio Frequency cautery unit and this waves of high frequency does the cutting very fine.The process involves control the high frequency waves.The electrodes used in Radio frequency surgery or also different from conventional diathermy, in this fine needle (or) wireloop Electrodes held by surgeon. The electro energy passed between this cautery electrode and patient plate. The power isconcentrated at the needle end or wire loop electrode resulting in release of energy, produces steam within the cells thusvaporizing them and dividing the tissue.

Electro Cautery Accessories

Cuatery Handswitch Pencil with Cut & Coag Mode 

( Disposable)

Cuatery Handswitch Pencil with Cut & Coag Mode ( Reusable)

with Electrod tip Change option 

Micro Dissection Needle - Colorado Fine ( Reusable)

Electrod tip Needle Fine type

Electro Cuatery Bipolar Cabale( Reusable)


Electro Cuatery Bipolar Forceps - Straight (Fine)


Electro Cuatery Bipolar Forceps - Angled (Fine)


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